The freshers’ fair is a crucial staple of freshers’ week – wandering around a big hall or gazebo, 700 flyers in hand, trying to decide if you want to commit yourself to the Quidditch team or the Cheese Society. Make sure to go with an open mind, hungry tummy, and empty backpack. As well as being a great chance to discover all the different activities on offer, you’ll leave drowning in freebies.
Coupons and vouchers will come in handy later, but the physical giveaways are great for stocking up your room, kitchen, and pencil case. Whether you’re a returning student or you’ve just got your A Level results, check out our guide for the very best of the free haul!
Click here for more advice on making the most of freshers’ week
Food glorious food
The people running every stall know that the foolproof way to a student’s heart is through their stomach. Both uni clubs and businesses will try to leave a sweet aftertaste with you, so look out for sweets, chocolates and doughnuts. At some campuses, you’ll find supermarkets handing out goody bags of student essentials like beans and noodles. Take them back to stock up your kitchen, and save money and stress later!
Domino’s and Pizza Hut visit a lot of freshers’ weeks with a deal for free pizza slices. If you see them, don’t hold back! Keep an eye out for deals and vouchers from other restaurant chains and local eateries. They’re all waiting to welcome you to your new home city.

Kitchen freebies
Look out for branded mugs, water bottles, flasks, and pint glasses. With enough random giveaways, you’ll be able to go a whole week without washing anything up – win! Some people find cooking utensils and other important supplies at the freshers’ fair, which will save you a desperate supermarket trip down the line.
Fridge magnets are surprisingly useful. How else would you stick up all your takeaway menus, or remind your flatmates that your leftover sushi is NOT up for grabs? Bonus points if they double up as a bottle opener or other device.
Gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
While businesses and societies want to entice you in with food, they also want to gift you techie things you’ll actually appreciate and use. While you’ve probably got a set of headphones and a portable phone charger, it’s good to have a spare or two (or five!). Some stalls will also have things like USB sticks and splitters. We bet you’ve been meaning to buy yourself one of these but never got around to it, so take them all.
Freshers’ week stationery
Does anyone buy pens anymore? You’ll probably receive a lifetime supply of highlighters, biros, and other stationery handouts at the freshers’ fair. If you’re lucky, you might find an academic planner or a wall calendar. These will help you keep track of the whirlwind of activity that makes up a uni term.
While you can’t write with a stress ball, they’re (unfortunately) library essentials. Hang onto them and to anything else that could calm you down in an essay crisis.

Brands will put their name on anything they can get you to carry around. It’s free advertising for them, but you’ll also benefit from a new pyjama T-shirt or a pair of socks. Tote bags are eco-friendly and useful for transporting your stuff around campus. And of course, umbrellas are a must-have in the unpredictable UK climate!
Some freebies new to the tables in 2021 might include masks and hand sanitiser gel. Whether you’re avoiding the freshers’ flu or something more sinister, stay safe and happy at uni with these supplies.
Catch us at your freshers’ fair!
Proprep will be all over the country during freshers’ week 2021. We hope to see you at one of the following locations…
- Uni of Edinburgh – 13th Sept
- Uni of Glasgow – 14th Sept
- Uni of Exeter – 17th Sept
- LSE – 20th Sept
- Uni of Manchester – 20th Sept
- Uni of Leeds – 21st Sept
- QMUL – 22nd Sept
- Uni of Nottingham – 22nd Sept
- Swansea Uni – 22nd Sept
- Kings College London – 23rd Sept
- Uni of Liverpool – 23rd Sept
- Uni of Kent – 24th Sept
- Uni of Surrey – 24th Sept
- Uni of Bristol – 25th Sept
- De Montfort Uni – 27th Sept
- Uni of Warwick – 28th Sept
- Newcastle Uni – 28th Sept
- Cardiff Uni – 30th Sept
- UCL – 2nd Oct
- Imperial College London – 5th Oct
- Uni of Oxford – 6th Oct
…and more! Can’t wait to meet you all!