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question icon proprepOver 50,000 Questions Answers: Ask Anything Your Need Help With!
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flashcards icon proprepIneractive Flashcards to Enhance Your Understanding
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settings icon proprepStudy guides and practice questions
settings icon proprepTaught by top professors with at least 10 years teaching experience
assessment icon proprepAdvance Your Skills with Assessments to Track Your Learning Progress

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes proprep more effective than other online study platforms?

Proprep was founded by professors who understand the challenge students face. Our team works around the clock to create quality material that will support and facilitate true learning. With over 60,000 videos tutorials and unlimited customization options, our students receive exactly what they need to succeed — no more, no less. The result is a deeper understanding of the material, improved problem-solving techniques, and better marks.

Do courses that I purchase have a time limit?

The purchase of any course is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.

What is your money-back guarantee policy?

If you purchase a course and feel that we don't live up to your expectations, you have 30 days to change your mind. Please contact us and let us know.

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